Category Archives: Livery Stable

Livery Stable

January 5, 2021

From the mid-1850s until at least 1907, it was the site of the Union Livery Stable.  Horses, saddles, wagons, buggies, and tack could be rented as needed, and drivers could be provided.  Carriages for residents were stored there and horses stabled.   In 1911, the Union was replaced by the Bailey Livery Stable.  Before long, however, “horseless carriages” replaced horses and a Mobil gas station replaced the old livery stable.  It operated at this corner for a number of years, but by the 1950s there were FOUR gas stations in Jacksonville!  The Mobil station went out of business, and for a short time the building was occupied by a barber shop.  However, there were still 3 gas stations in town.  We’re not sure how many people had cars, but with lots of folks not having washing machines, what was needed was a laundromat.  Enter the Wash and Dry washateria.  It lasted until about 1970.  In 1972, the Jackson County Federal Savings & Loan took over the site, erecting a new building.  Founded in 1909, JCF S&L became part of Key Bank in 1993, which was subsequently acquired by Umpqua in 2014.  Whew!